I receive "incompatible character encodings: CP850 and UTF-8" when displaying the £
symbol on my ramaze app. How can I get rid of this error? I have the UTF-8 meta tag in my head tag.
It happens when I type the £
symbol with the keyboard. Look.
I have put the following code in my ruby file and it hasn't fixed the problem.
# encoding: UTF-8
Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'
Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
Try to force the encoding to see if that makes the problem go away:
If it does, dive into your app and spot what is setting the wrong encoding, where, and why.
It's possibly server-/webpage-related, as in the page you're serving is rendered as US-ASCII owing to a header. Or the server is started with encoding other than UTF-8. Or something other to that effect. Your script ends up with a piece of external data that isn't UTF-8.