I often forget how to insert in visual block mode and read again the answer Shift+i.
As Honghe.Wu wonders in his comment:
Why lowercase i does not work in visual mode?
What is the technical reason?
The reason because i and a are not behave like in normal mode in all visual modes is that i and a are used to extend the selection to text objects. As you can see in :help visual-operators:
4. Operating on the Visual area
The operators that can be used are:
~ switch case
d delete
c change (4)
y yank
> shift right (4)
< shift left (4)
! filter through external command (1)
= filter through 'equalprg' option command (1)
gq format lines to 'textwidth' length (1)
The objects that can be used are:
aw a word (with white space)
iw inner word
aW a WORD (with white space)
iW inner WORD
as a sentence (with white space)
is inner sentence
ap a paragraph (with white space)
ip inner paragraph
ab a () block (with parenthesis)
ib inner () block
aB a {} block (with braces)
iB inner {} block
at a <tag> </tag> block (with tags)
it inner <tag> </tag> block
a< a <> block (with <>)
i< inner <> block
a[ a [] block (with [])
i[ inner [] block
a" a double quoted string (with quotes)
i" inner double quoted string
a' a single quoted string (with quotes)
i' inner simple quoted string
a` a string in backticks (with backticks)
i` inner string in backticks
Additionally the following commands can be used:
: start Ex command for highlighted lines (1)
r change (4)
s change
C change (2)(4)
S change (2)
R change (2)
x delete
D delete (3)
X delete (2)
Y yank (2)
p put
J join (1)
U make uppercase
u make lowercase
^] find tag
I block insert
A block append
So just use the block insert
uppercase I or the the block append
uppercase A commands in visual block mode.