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Android Studio error message I18n

I got an error message that says:

[I18N] Hardcoded string "Today - Sunny - 78/67", should use @string resource.

How can this error be resolved?

The line of code is: android:text="Today - Sunny - 78/67"


  • i18n is an abbreviation for internationalization. Android Studio is just giving you a hint that the way you are setting the text won't allow you to easily translate it.

    Instead you should put your string in a strings.xml file within the res/values folder:

      <string name="my_string">Today - Sunny - 78/67</string>

    You then reference that string on your TextView like this:


    This would allow you to make another file for spanish strings, res/values-es/strings.xml that you could add a translation to:

      <string name="my_string">Hoy - Soleado - 78/67</string>

    And then that string will automatically get picked for your TextView if the user's locale language is Spanish.