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Connecting to BACnet device giving single use socket address error

I've tried to look through posts to see if i could find anything but haven't managed to find it yet.

I'm running the SCADA BACnet device simulator on my localhost.I'm assuming the ip for the device is my localhost ip since the only IP i could find was in the deviceAddressBinding property which showed 192.168.x.xx

I am running through the bacpypes(python library for bacnet) tutorial for the SampleApplication and when I first tried running the tutorial, it stated that my .ini file ip is not a valid address in the context. So I tried to put in the simulator's settings to try and connect to the simulator and now it's giving me a Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted error. Not quite sure where to go from here, am I perhaps missing something?

my .ini file:

objectName: Testing Device
address: 192.168.x.xx #tutorial came with
objectIdentifier: 123
maxApduLengthAccepted: 1024
segmentationSupported: segmentedBoth
vendorIdentifier: 123
foreignPort: 47808
foreignTTL: 30

My simulator properties: enter image description here


  • it seems to be a windows issue. Replaced :

    this_application = WhoIsIAmApplication(this_device, args.ini.address)


    this_application = WhoIsIAmApplication(this_device, ('', 47808))