To simplify, consider following block in a cookbook (cookbook-test) recipe.
79: bash 'Running sudo test sleep command' do
80: user 'root'
81: cwd '/tmp'
82: code <<-EOH
83: sudo sleep 1000
84: EOH
85: end
Running this as
"chef-client -o cookbook-test"
Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20150813-3835-3kj758" ----
STDERR: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
---- End output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20150813-3835-3kj758" ----
Ran "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20150813-3835-3kj758" returned 1
I added "sudo sleep" just to exemplify usecase. In real case, we run scripts inside above resource block, and these scripts has sudo commands.
After some debugging found that "bash" and "execute" resource blocks both do not have tty allocated to run commands inside them.
Please share your thoughts.
Here's the thing:
Any facility you could use in Chef to run sudo
with an allocated tty could also be used by anybody else, which means the requiretty
directive in your sudoers
is effectively useless. So you might as well just remove it and save yourself the trouble of working around it.
Having said that, here are some ways to work around the problem:
Are you able to ssh
to localhost
without a password? You could just use ssh -tt localhost sudo somecomand ...
You can use the expect
tool, which is designed for controlling terminal-oriented programs. Something like expect -c "spawn sudo somecommand; interact"
You can use screen
, with something like screen sudo somecommand