I'm trying to design a couple of classes that inherit a partial function, but I don't seem to be able to get the syntax quite right. My superclass looks like this:
abstract class Controller {
val react:PartialFunction[Event,Unit]
And the subclass looks like:
class BoardRendererController(val renderer:BoardRenderer, val board:Board) extends Controller {
override val react {
case PieceMovedEvent(piece, origin, destination) => println("Moving now")
But this fails to compile with this error
[ERROR] /workspace/pacman/src/main/scala/net/ceilingfish/pacman/BoardRendererController.scala:14: error: '=' expected but '{' found.
[INFO] override val react {
[INFO] ^
[ERROR] /workspace/pacman/src/main/scala/net/ceilingfish/pacman/BoardRendererController.scala:17: error: illegal start of simple expression
[INFO] }
[INFO] ^
I've tried loads of variations on this, anyone know what the correct syntax is?
In addition to abhin4v's terse suggestion, you still have to supply a type annotation in the definition, so I recommend this addition to your base class:
type PFEU = PartialFunction[Event, Unit]
Then your subclass would look like this:
class BoardRendererController(val renderer:BoardRenderer, val board:Board)
extends Controller
override val react: PFEU = {
case PieceMovedEvent(piece, origin, destination) => println("Moving now")