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In SQL Server, what is the difference between a user query and a system query?

The documentation for sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats uses the terms "user queries" and "system queries" but it doesn't define what those mean. For example:

  • user_seeks: "Number of seeks caused by user queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for."
  • system_seeks: "Number of seeks caused by system queries, such as auto stats queries, that the recommended index in the group could have been used for."

Based on the way the term is used at System query to determine full (including inherited from AD ROLES) view of permissions in a database?, I assume that system queries are queries against system tables. Then user queries must be queries against user tables.

Does anyone have a more authoritative source for the definition of these two terms? I'm asking because I'm using the results from sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats and considering how to properly weigh avg_user_impact vs. avg_system_impact in deciding whether to apply an index.


  • From the answer to the question What causes system_scans in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats to count up?

    I understand the system scans/lookups columns are to do with statistics updates & index maintenance. I asked Brent Ozar when he was presenting over in Germany about a month ago and he confirmed this for me.

    I asked him about this with regard to identifying unused indexes on a system. He said that you only have to be concerned with User Lookups and User Scans, the system ones are really only system side operations. So an index that only has "system" activity has not been used by queries since the index usage statistics were last reset.

    I confirmed this partially by running some queries on AdventureWorks2012:

    /* Get the statistics from Sales.SalesOrderHeader */
    EXEC sp_helpstats 'Sales.SalesOrderHeader'
    -- Results: 
    statistics_name             statistics_keys
    _WA_Sys_00000004_4B7734FF   DueDate
    _WA_Sys_00000008_4B7734FF   SalesOrderNumber
    _WA_Sys_0000000D_4B7734FF   TerritoryID
    _WA_Sys_0000000E_4B7734FF   BillToAddressID
    _WA_Sys_0000000F_4B7734FF   ShipToAddressID
    _WA_Sys_00000010_4B7734FF   ShipMethodID
    _WA_Sys_00000011_4B7734FF   CreditCardID
    _WA_Sys_00000013_4B7734FF   CurrencyRateID
    /* Update the statistics for the SalesOrderNumber stats */
    UPDATE STATISTICS Sales.SalesOrderHeader _WA_Sys_00000008_4B7734FF WITH FULLSCAN
    /* Get the index usage stats for that index */
    FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats iu
    JOIN sys.indexes i 
        ON iu.object_id = i.object_id
        AND iu.index_id = i.index_id
    WHERE = 'AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber'
    DatabaseName        TableName           IndexName                               
    AdventureWorks2012  SalesOrderHeader    AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber    
    user_seeks  user_scans  system_seeks    system_scans
    0           0           0               1
    /* Seek and scan the index */
    SELECT SalesOrderNumber
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    WHERE SalesOrderNumber = N'A'
    SELECT TOP 100 SalesOrderNumber
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WITH (INDEX(AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber))
    Running the index usage query from above returns the following: 
    DatabaseName        TableName           IndexName                               
    AdventureWorks2012  SalesOrderHeader    AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber    
    user_seeks  user_scans  system_seeks    system_scans
    1           1           0               1
    /* Rebuild the index to remove all usage stats */
    ALTER INDEX AK_SalesOrderHeader_SalesOrderNumber ON Sales.SalesOrderHeader REBUILD

    So user seeks and scans appearing the usage management view seem appropriate, and the system scan from updating the statistics matches the answer given above.

    But back to the original question, I would say you don't need to worry about system seeks and system scans on sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats. It seems like they would signify that SQL Server was attempting to look up some type of its own meta data and not having the correct internal indexes to satisfy the queries.