Good day all, can someone suggest me which async function should i use?, in my case, I need an output the 1st member of each group. *** note this is just a example of the flow of my program.
Grouplist groupmember
Id | name id | name | group
1 | group1 1 | John | 1
2 | group2 2 | James | 1
3 | group3 3 | Paul | 3
4 | Angel | 2
5 | Anne | 2
6 | Jane | 3
looking for output like this
id | name | group
1 | John | 1
4 | Angel | 2
3 | Paul | 3
var name = [];
Grouplist.find( function(err, grouplist){
for(var x=0;x<=grouplist.length-1; x++){
function callBack(err,results){
if(err) console.log(err);
name[x] =;
You can get the result in one query using mongodb aggregate operators:
_id: "$group", //grouping key
member: { $first: "$$CURRENT" } //return the first matched document
$project : //project the document to top-level
_id: "$member._id",
name: "$",
group: "$"
function(err, members){