I'm trying to run Python on SublimeREPL, but python is not on interactive mode.
So when I send a line to sublimeREPL, it just shows something if it's an error or if I print something. How can I change python to interactive mode?
Found a solution:
After setting up Python on SublimeREPL, go to Keybindings - User and add this code below. It will be just like the normal PythonIDE!
{ "keys": ["f8"], "command": "repl_open",
"caption": "Python",
"mnemonic": "p",
"args": {
"type": "subprocess",
"encoding": "utf8",
"cmd": ["python", "-i", "-u", "$file"],
"cwd": "$file_path",
"syntax": "Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage",
"external_id": "python"
} }