In Testing Monadic Code with QuickCheck (Claessen, Hughes 2002), assert
has the type:
assert :: (Monad m, Testable a) => a -> PropertyM m ()
However, in Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
, it has the type:
assert :: (Monad m) => Bool -> PropertyM m ()
Why does assert
have the latter type in the library?
I think it was due to technical constraints, because currently to evaluate a Testable
with the Test.QuickCheck
library, you need to use one of the quickCheck*
functions, which are very IO
-centric. That happens because QuickCheck tests Testable
properties by randomly generating possible inputs (by default 100), trying to find a counterexample which proves the property false. If such input is not found, the property is assumed to be true (although that is not necessarily the truth; there may be a counterexample that was not tested). And to be able to generate random inputs in Haskell, we are stuck to the IO
Notice that even though assert
was defined in such a generic way, it is used through all the paper only with Bool
. So the library author (the same of the paper) preferred to sacrifice the generic Testable
parameter for a simple Bool
, to not force any monad at this point.
And we can see that they have even written the original signature as a comment in the source code:
-- assert :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyM m ()
Also note that despite the fact that stop
function has a similar signature:
stop :: (Testable prop, Monad m) => prop -> PropertyM m a
It is not the same as the assert
function in the paper, as the former will stop the computation in both cases either the condition is True
or False
. On the other hand, assert
will only stop the computation if the condition is False
⟦ assert True ≫ p ⟧ = ⟦ p ⟧
⟦ assert False ≫ p ⟧ = { return False }
We can though easily write a IO
version of the assert
function from the paper:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
import Test.QuickCheck.Property
import Test.QuickCheck.Test
assertIO :: Testable prop => prop -> PropertyM IO ()
assertIO p = do r <- liftIO $ quickCheckWithResult stdArgs{chatty = False} p
unless (isSuccess r) $ fail "Assertion failed"
And now we can make a test to see the differences between assertIO
and stop
prop_assert :: Property
prop_assert = monadicIO $ do assertIO succeeded
assertIO failed
prop_stop :: Property
prop_stop = monadicIO $ do stop succeeded
stop failed
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "prop_assert:"
quickCheck prop_assert
putStrLn "prop_stop:"
quickCheck prop_stop
The succeeded
and failed
could be replaced by True
and False
, respectively. It was just to show that now we are not limited to Bool
, instead we can use any Testable
And the output is:
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 1 test):
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.
As we can see, despite the fact that the first assertIO
succeeded, prop_assert
failed due to the second assertIO
. On the other hand, prop_stop
passed the test, because the first stop
succeeded and the computation has stopped at that point, not testing the second stop