I'm facing some issues while integrating only some of the styles defined in https://github.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design, namely the inputs on an existing theme with custom bootstrap styling applied.
In a less file I'm importing the input less file like this and the required variables and mixins for it to work properly:
@import '@{bower-path}/bootstrap-material-design/less/_colors.less';
@import '@{bower-path}/bootstrap-material-design/less/_mixins.less';
@import '@{bower-path}/bootstrap-material-design/less/_inputs.less';
and in a js file I'm initializing the inputs:
but it doesn't display correctly, fi: it doesn't display the colored border-bottom on focus.
Any ideas to make this work properly?
As pointed in https://github.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design/issues/665, the issue was in the vendor prefixes which were not included in the original less files.
By adding the less autoprefixer plugin into the workflow, the issue was solved.