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I can't change the fill color of a SVG Sprite

I have this pen where I have made an example of the SVG Sprites Technique:

And I want to apply this with CSS:

.circle {
    fill: #f00;
.polyline {
    fill: #00f;
<svg xmlns=""style="position:absolute;top:-9999px;opacity:0;">    
        <symbol viewBox="0 0 64 64" id="circle">
                <path fill="#1D1D1B" d="M32,0C14.327,0,0,14.327,0,32c0,17.673,14.327,32,32,32s32-14.327,32-32C64,14.327,49.673,0,32,0z M32,52.5c-11.322,0-20.5-9.178-20.5-20.5S20.678,11.5,32,11.5S52.5,20.678,52.5,32S43.322,52.5,32,52.5z"/>
        <symbol viewBox="0 0 56.983 64.804" id="polyline">
                <polyline fill="#1D1D1B" points="0,64.804 30.726,0 56.983,0 56.983,54.749 29.33,27.095 "/>

    <svg class="circle">
        <use xlink:href="#circle"></use>

    <svg class="polyline">
        <use xlink:href="#polyline"></use>

My problem is that I'm not able to change the fill color of the elements added to the spritesheet. I have looked for information about how to do this correctly and I think my approach it's correct but it seems that it's not like that.

In this other pen, wrote in the same way I think, is working fine. What am I doing wrong?

Sorry for my english if I have made any mistake, it's not my native language.


  • You have to remove internal styling of fill property and only apply css property. Either way change fill property of svg using javascript DOM.