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How to tell the HTTP server to not send chunked encoding

I am currently writing a HTTP client to do a HTTP POST on a URL that returns a HTTP response.

However, for error messages code 400 and 500, it sends back non chunked HTTP response, and for success messages, 201, it sends a chunked response.

In the request, I am setting the content-length, so I am not sure why it is still sending us the chunked transfer encoding. Is there any other header I can set in the request, that will tell the HTTP server not to send chunked encoding?

        headerList.append("POST /v2/charges HTTP/1.1")
        headerList.append("Content-Type: application/json")
        headerList.append("host: xxxxxxxxx")
        headerList.append("request-id: ABCD001123")
        headerList.append("Content-length: %d" %len(Msg))
        hostReqHeader = "\r\n".join(headerList)
        reqData = hostReqHeader + '\r\n\r\n' + qbPosMsg

I am using sockets to send these HTTP messages, and not using httplib or requests library.


  • Chunked is a required feature of HTTP/1.1. If you do not require any other 1.1-specific features, specify HTTP/1.0 in your request:

        headerList.append("POST /v2/charges HTTP/1.0")