I have an app where I'm trying to generate a dollar amount into a new AR record called Metric. I've written the following simple class method to generate a new metric method:
def self.last_year
m = Metric.new
m.name = Figaro.env.company_name
m.metric_type = "Last Year"
m.amount = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select sum(dst_amt::DECIMAL) from distributions where dst_code like 'COL%' and dst_posted_date::DATE BETWEEN (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '13 Month') and (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '366 Day')")
This basically works and creates the Metric record, however the amount when I output it in the console after running this method is:
When I run the SQL in Postico or Navicat raw the number that results is: 1043.88
. So my question(s) are:
1.) Based off of this query and raw result, what datatype in postgres should I be using for the amount field? I tried decimal but it writes the output as a BigDecimal and I can't read it, I've also tried float, but when I run the class method it gives me a NoMethodError to_f
on the class.
2.) Is this the best way to run the SQL from within the class? My SQL is correct when I run it via Navicat or Postico, but in the class I output a big decimal.
My ultimate goal is to generate metric records on multiple servers then somehow get them over to a target server maybe via a 2nd dbase connection or simply export to csv, scp over, and import via csv on the target server. Really this should be an API type of scenario but I don't have that sort of time and need to just get something working today hopefully.
If my code and/or question is not clear, please let me know and I'll edit.
Update So when I try to break this method down in the console I run this:
a = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select sum(dst_amt::DECIMAL) from distributions where dst_code like 'COL%' and dst_posted_date::DATE BETWEEN (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '13 Month') and (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '366 Day')")
Which gives me: => #<PG::Result:0x0000010d84c958 status=PGRES_TUPLES_OK ntuples=1 nfields=1 cmd_tuples=1>
Then from the console I call a[0]
I get the hash value of => {"sum"=>"1101.88"}
So I guess my question has expanded. Am I even calling the SQL properly to populate the amount field in my method? And if so, how do I parse this output to return a decimal of 1101.88 (or whatever the result is) to the amount column which is a decimal type field?
Update again
Here is my refactored method
def self.last_year_mtd
m = Metric.new
m.name = Figaro.env.company_name
m.metric_type = "Last Year MTD"
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select sum(dst_amt::DECIMAL) from distributions where dst_code like 'COL%' and dst_posted_date::DATE BETWEEN (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '13 Month') and (select (date_trunc('month', current_date)) - INTERVAL '366 Day')")
total = sql[0]["sum"].to_s
m.amount = total
So when I run this from the console it creates a new Metric record. So if I create two records I need to do arithmetic on it. So I tried this out.
Ran last_year_mtd
from the console and a similar method which has a different query and generates a different big decimal.
Then I assign a = Metric.first
and b = Metric.last
to get two different objects.
Then I do the arithmetic: 2.1.1 :012 > (b.amount - a.amount).to_s
=> "1396.4"
This looks to be working. Calling .to_s
on the arithmetic seems to have done the trick.
I'm sure this method could be cleaner, so if anyone has ideas on a refactor I'd greatly appreciate it.
Use a decimal.
If you need to display the value then use to_s to convert it to a string, or to_f to convert it to float. However some decimals cannot be accurately represented as a float, and if all you want to do is look at the value then a string representation is appropriate.