In Common Lisp, there's a sequential form of (do *vars* *test* *body*)
; just like let's sequential parallel let*
, it works through *vars*
one at a time, so that you can refer back to previously defined variables like so:
(do* ((a '(1 2 3) (cdr a))
(b (mapcar (lambda (x) (1+ x)) a) (cdr b)))
((= 1 1) (list 'a a 'b b)))
; (a (1 2 3) b (2 3 4))
In Scheme, AFAIK, there is no correlating function or macro. There's do
, but no do*
. I've been trying to write an implementation of do*
for Chicken Scheme, but so far I'm struggling to make any headway... I think, I can't really tell. I'm familiar with Chicken Scheme, but I've always found scheme macros confusing.
Here's what I've got so far:
(lambda (form r c)
(##sys#check-syntax 'do* form '(_ #((symbol _ . #(_)) 0) . #(_ 1)))
(let* ((bindings (cadr form))
(test (caddr form))
(body (cdddr form))
(do*var (r 'doloop)))
,(##sys#map (lambda (b) (list (car b) (car (cdr b)))) bindings)
(##core#if ,(car test)
,(let ((tbody (cdr test)))
(if (eq? tbody '())
`(##core#begin ,@tbody) ) )
,(if (eq? body '())
`(##core#let () ,@body) )
,do*var ,@(##sys#map (lambda (b)
(if (eq? (cdr (cdr b)) '())
(car b)
(car (cdr (cdr b))) ) )
bindings) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
But I keep on getting errors like doloop
not being a list--presently, I'm getting
Error: during expansion of (do* ...) - in `do*' - symbol expected: (do* ((a (quote (1 2 3)) (cdr a)) (b (map (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) a) (cdr b)) ((= 1 1) (list (quote a) a (quote b) b))))
Call history:
<syntax> (do* ((a (quote (1 2 3)) (cdr a)) (b (map (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) a) (cdr b)) ((= 1 1) (list (quote a) a...
<eval> (##sys#check-syntax (quote do*) form (quote (_ #((symbol _ . #(_)) 0) . #(_ 1)))) <--
Here's a rough do*
in Common Lisp taken from HyerSpec:
(block nil (let ((var1 init1) (var2 init2) ... (varn initn)) declarations (loop (when end-test (return (progn . result))) (tagbody . tagbody) (psetq var1 step1 var2 step2 ... varn stepn))))
do* is similar, except that let* and setq replace the let and psetq, respectively.
And here's what do*
expands to in CL:
(expand-form '(do* ((a '(1 2 3) (cdr a))
(b (mapcar (lambda (x) (1+ x)) a) (cdr b)))
((= 1 1) (list 'a a 'b b))))
(block nil
(let* ((a '(1 2 3)) (b (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (system::source ((x) (1+ x)))) (1+ x)) a)))
(tagbody #:loop-5382 (if (= 1 1) (go #:end-5383)) (setq a (cdr a) b (cdr b)) (go #:loop-5382) #:end-5383 (return-from nil (list 'a a 'b b))))) ;
Please, do not use ##-prefixed identifiers. Those are unsupported and not part of the official API!
Second, instead of trying to mess about with low-level macros, just use syntax-rules, which is much simpler, less error-prone and standardized. It should be used whenever you don't need to break hygiene.
Here is an example of do* as it would work if I understand you correctly:
(define-syntax do*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ((?var0 ?init0 ?inc0) ...)
(?test ?result)
?body ...)
(let* ((?var0 ?init0) ...)
(let lp ()
(cond (?test ?result)
(else ?body ...
(set! ?var0 ?inc0) ...
Expressed as an implicitly renaming macro:
(define-syntax do*
(lambda (e i c)
(let* ((vars (cadr e))
(test&result (caddr e))
(test (car test&result))
(result (cadr test&result))
(body-exprs (cdddr e)))
`(let* (,@(map (lambda (v) (list (car v) (cadr v))) vars))
(let lp ()
(cond (,test ,result)
(else ,@body-exprs
,@(map (lambda (v) `(set! ,(car v) ,(caddr v))) vars)
I hope you agree it is much more verbose that way.