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Testing an Apache Camel route with vm and file component over ftp

I have two very simple routes (Code below is not the original classes, I have simplified it like removing setters, logs and so on)

The first route:

public static final String MESSAGE_CONSUMER = "vm:myMessage";

public String myXmlProducer; //and getter method then

myXmlProducer = "file:myFileLocation?autoCreate=true&fileName="+ myFileName;
    //some process here

and the second one:

public String fileConsumer = "file:myFileLocation";
public String ftpProducer = "ftp://ftpIp?username=username&password=password&maximumReconnectAttempts=0";

    .to(ftpProducer );

I am trying to write some test for these two routes, here is some part of my test class,

configuration part in class:

public static final String MOCK_OUT = "mock:out";
public static final String DIRECT_IN = "direct:in";
public static final String MOCK_XML_URI = "mock:xmlFile";
@EndpointInject(uri = MOCK_OUT)
MockEndpoint mockOut;

@EndpointInject(uri = MOCK_XML_URI)
MockEndpoint mockXmlUri;

public RouteBuilder[] createRouteBuilders() {
    final MyRoute route = new MyRoute();
    route.setFtpProducer (MOCK_OUT);

    RouteBuilder testHarness = new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() throws Exception {

    return new RouteBuilder[] {route, testHarness};

public void getTestData() throws IOException {
    testInputData = IOUtils.toString(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/myTarget/inputData.txt"));

This test method is green:

public void testRoutingOk() throws InterruptedException {

    template.sendBody("file:myTestFileLocation", testInputData);

The problem is the following test, I am quiet new in camel, and have googled to find why, but cannot figure it out by myself:

public void testRoutingOk() throws InterruptedException {

    template.sendBody(DIRECT_IN, testInputData);

I get assetion error, no message at all:

java.lang.AssertionError: mock://xmlFile Received message count. Expected: <1> but was: <0>

Is there anyone who can help me, please.


  • After some days struggling, I found what the problem was. I am sending a message to body but, this message will be used by another route. I am using version 2.10, the solution to have a green unit test is to stop the route. With current version (2.10) it will be a little bit complicated, since I should change my main classes just for unit tests sake. But I can use controlbus: instead, if we upgrade our camel to 2.11+.