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Angular material md-radio-button in table tr repeat

I am unable to use md-radio-button properly within tr repeat, is there any way to use it without md-radio-group or placing md-radio-group above the tr, so that it will be same for all rows in table.

<form form-submit action="">
      <tr ng-repeat="data in data2">
    <md-radio-group ng-model="test">
      <md-radio-button  value="{{}}" aria-label="Label {{}}"></md-radio-button>
    <md-button type="submit" class="md-raised">Submit</md-button>


  • It seems like the md-radio-group input breaks tags. You can still fake it in CSS by wrapping the radio button in a and applying display:table row

            <md-radio-group ng-model="test" class="md-primary">
              <div ng-click="setSelect(" style="display:table-row" ng-repeat="data in data2">
                <md-radio-button ng-value="">

    md-radio-group also seems to mess up tags, so a simple function called with ng-click on the wrapping the button takes care of that

     $scope.setSelect = function(modelVal){
