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Mangle all variables except one with gulp-uglify

Is there a way to mangle all variables except a specific one with gulp-uglify?


  • There definitely is, I couldn't find any documentation for gulp-uglify regarding these sub-options, so relied on grunt-uglify & wrote it the gulp way.

    .pipe( uglify({ mangle: {except: ['jQuery']} }) ) // for gulp-uglify ^2.0.1

    The above code will mangle every variable except jQuery

    Hopefully this will still be useful for you. ;)



    NB: If you are using gulp-uglify ^3.0.0 please replace except with reserved eg:

    .pipe( uglify({ mangle: {reserved: ['jQuery']} }) ) // for gulp-uglify ^3.0.0

    Kudos to Lukas Winkler