I am very new to lambda expressions.
I have this xml
<BookDetails id=1>
<BookDetails id=2>
<BookDetails id=3>
In the above XML I have column names in a list 'author, price' that I need to select the particular BookDetails
using a lambda expression.
foreach (var col in columnName)
.Where(p =>Id.Contains(p.Element("BookDetails").Value))
.Select(p=> New { p.Element(col).Value }).ToList())
This is raising some strange issues. How can I get the details?
Since you mentioned you "need to select the particular BookDetails using a lambda expression" you can select the bookdetails for a specific book likfe this:
var result = _doc.Descendants("BookDetails")
.Where(x => x.Attribute("id").Value == "1")
.Select(b => new { Author = b.Element("author").Value, Price = b.Element("price").Value });
and you can loop through the results like this
foreach (var book1 in result)
or since you are expceting one result you can get the item like this:
var book2 = result.FirstOrDefault();
if (book2 != null)