I want to dive into developing applications for the Mac and later also for the iPhone. For me as a Rubyist it is clear that I learn both, MacRuby and Objective-C. The question is only in which order I should do that. Is it easier to learn Objective-C first and then combine the knowledge of both worlds and start learning MacRuby, or is it easier to start with MacRuby to slowly find your way into developing applications for the Mac?
My understanding of the Ruby language is quite good - 5 years of experience, and I also have a decent understanding of C. Just in case that this makes it easier to answer my question.
Learn Objective-C first. I was in your position and I tried to do MacRuby and didn't get much of anywhere. Now that I've done some Objective-C development, MacRuby is easy, and it's a nice relief to get back to ruby syntax.