I'm counting staged files in git using GitPython.
For modified files, I can use
repo = git.Repo()
modified_files = len(repo.index.diff(None))
But for staged files I can't find the solution.
I know git status --porcelain
but I'm looking for other solution which is better. (I hope using gitpython
not git command, the script will be faster)
You are close, use repo.index.diff("HEAD")
to get files in staging area.
First create a test repo:
$ cd test
$ mkdir repo && cd repo && touch a b c && git init && git add . && git commit -m "init"
$ echo "a" > a && echo "b" > b && echo "c" > c && git add a b
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
modified: a
modified: b
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: c
Now check in ipython:
$ ipython
In [1]: import git
In [2]: repo = git.Repo()
In [3]: count_modified_files = len(repo.index.diff(None))
In [4]: count_staged_files = len(repo.index.diff("HEAD"))
In [5]: print count_modified_files, count_staged_files
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