I have a problem : I try to use the sfNumberValidator, but it doesn't work.
This is my validator.yml file :
post: [lib_modele_controle, frequence_controle, intervenant_controle, delai_alert_controle, mode_operatoire_controle]
enabled: true # Active la repopulation
required: true
required_msg: Veuillez renseigner le délai d'alert
class: sfNumberValidator
nan_error: saisir un nombre
In my form, when text is enter, or a number, the error is not display
I'm guessing you work with symfony 1.0 as you use validation in yml.
Is you indentation consistent? I'm not sure if it's a problem or you just pasted it wrong but some lines are indented with two and some with one space.
Indentation has to be consistent.