I have set up cloud watch exporter for Prometheus on my AWS mesosphere DCOS cluster. I have 'CloudWatchFullAccess' policy enabled. But meter, 'cloudwatch_exporter_scrape_error
' shows non-zero value. I want to know why the scrape is giving error.
Where can I check logs or how to debug this problem?
Also the config file I am using is
"region": "ap-southeast-1",
"metrics": [
{"aws_namespace": "AWS/ELB", "aws_metric_name": "HealthyHostCount",
"aws_dimensions": ["AvailabilityZone", "LoadBalancerName"],
"aws_dimension_select": {"LoadBalancerName": ["name of my LB"]},
"aws_statistics": ["Sum"]
but I do not any meters in addition to meters - cloudwatch_requests_total
, cloudwatch_exporter_scrape_error
exposed to Prometheus.
How to get additional meters from cloudwatch_exporter?
It looks as though you're trying to use an IAM instance profile, but you can't access This is some form of problem with your network setup, as this should work out of the box on EC2.
You have two options.
and cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics
IAM permissions, and generate accesskeys and put them in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
or ~/.aws/credentials
.See https://github.com/prometheus/cloudwatch_exporter#credentials-and-permissions