Support for Emmet's next and previous edit point seems to be missing or what? Every time I press CTRL+ALT+--> my screen rotates. This is happening on windows only.
EDIT: You can disable the default keyboard shortcuts in control panel but in that case any application won't be able to use those too, nor is there a way remap the keys in Brackets easily!
All available keybindings are defined in keymap.json.
To open this keymap file, first open Brackets, then go to Help > Show Extensions Folder. Open the user folder, then modify keymap.json to however you prefer your shortcuts. Reload Brackets Editor when finished.
My keymap was located inC:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\extensions\user\brackets-emmet
You will need to change these two lines:
"next_edit_point": "Ctrl-Alt-Right",
"prev_edit_point": "Ctrl-Alt-Left",