I need to split a string to a TStringList with fixed-length sub-strings.
Currently I use:
procedure StrToStringList(ASource: string; AList: TStrings; AFixedLen: Integer);
while Length(ASource) > AFixedLen do
AList.Add(LeftStr(ASource, AFixedLen));
Delete(ASource, 1, AFixedLen);
This works, but seems to be slow. Any better / faster idea?
Edited: Profiling of the results:
The speed gain is quite impressive. Here are the results of my (subjective) profiling.
Data size: 290KB, FixedLen: 100:
Data size: 2805KB, FixedLen: 100:
There are some immediately obvious optimisations possible in your code:
Do not modify the source string, simply extract the required substrings. You can then make the input string parameter const, allowing the compiler to further optimise calls made to the procedure
Since you are dealing with fixed lengths and an input string of known length, then you can pre-calculate the required capacity of the string list and avoid memory re-allocations as the list is added to.
Here is how I would go about this:
procedure StrToStringList(const aSource: String;
const aList: TStrings;
const aFixedLen: Integer);
idx: Integer;
srcLen: Integer;
aList.Capacity := (Length(aSource) div aFixedLen) + 1;
idx := 1;
srcLen := Length(aSource);
while idx <= srcLen do
aList.Add(Copy(aSource, idx, aFixedLen));
Inc(idx, aFixedLen);
The capacity calculation here may result in an excess capacity of 1 where the input string divides exactly by the fixed length, but this is a negligible overhead imho and acceptable where the goal is optimal performance (the alternative is a conditional branch to modify or calculate the capacity differently to cater for what is likely to be the minority of cases).