I am using the ActionSheetStringPicker from the ActionSheetPickers3.0 (since I no longer can use the old picker views because of iOS 8). This is how I am calling the method:
ActionSheetStringPicker *genderPicker = [[ActionSheetStringPicker alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Gender" rows:categoryTypes initialSelection:nil target:self
successAction:@selector(selectedGender:) cancelAction:@selector(cancelledGender)
[genderPicker showActionSheetPicker];
My success action code is this:
-(void) selectedGender:(NSNumber *)genderSelected {
NSLog(@"selected gender: %@",genderSelected);
if (genderSelected == 0) {
gender.text = @"Male";
} else {
gender.text = @"Female";
I am getting either a 1 or 0 value from the selected gender (male/female) when I NSLog the genderSelected value. My problem is that in my if-statement it always says I picked female. I'm getting the correct value that I select from the picker, but can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Does anyone know how I can get my if-statement working? Thanks!
In your success callback method the parameter you are getting is of type NSNumber. You cannot directly compare the object of type NSNumber with int value 0. Therefore use the following :
if (genderSelected.intValue == 0) {
gender.text = @"Male";
} else {
gender.text = @"Female";