I tried to search this in many places and also documents/man pages of openlog(), syslog(0, rsyslogd(8) but couldn't find answer for this.
My question is, if rsyslogd is stopped or not yet started, then do the new syslog messages get lost? Or rsyslogd fetches them from /dev/log later when it's enabled?
My test is:
On a running system, rsyslog is running. Now, do the following:
I understand from openlog(3) and syslog(3) man pages that a socket is opened for /dev/log file and if there is an error while sending the message to syslog (as rsyslogd is not running) then the connection is closed (and message is printed on console/stderror if you have used LOG_CONS/LOG_PERROR).
Could anybody please tell me:
Thank you in advance.
It won't happen by default. You can use the 'cat' command and pipe it to logger to get them in, though. Something like the following should work.
cat your.log | logger -n yourserver
You can also use the 'tail' command similarly to 'cat'.