I am working with git for a college project and it has been a tricky learning curve. Last night I was trying to upload my work into the main tree and I did first a 'git stash' in terminal and it seems to have reset my code to the previous version. I am a git novice. Is there a way that I can get my work back?
Heres what I put in to terminal and what it read out:
$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 00b2935 undated with desktop(unfinished)
HEAD is now at 00b2935 undated with desktop(unfinished)
[ ][ darraghkenny ][][master=][ ~/projects/RosettaFoundation-new-design ]
you can type
$ git stash list
to print out a list of all previously saved stashes.
Chronologically, you can fetch them back using
$ git stash apply stash@{0}
being the latest one, stash@{1}
being the penultimate one, and stash@{N}
for subsequent stashes