I am using zxing barcode lib for decoding barcodes in my application. I successfully gets the ISBN from the barcode on activityresult. However i also needs to get the barcode type so i added another parameter that is getBarcodeFormat() in the return intent as extras. an excerpt of the code is below
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra("ISBN", rawResult.getText());
On my actual activity i gets the barcodeformat in string format but i need it to parse into BarcodeFormat object since i need to again covert the isbn to barcode using
writer.encode(contentsToEncode, format, img_width, img_height, hints);
method which accepts the BarcodeFormat object instead of string format. I couldn't find any method in BarcodeFormat documentation. If anyone has the solution to it, kindly share. I'll be really thankful to you
Found the solution. Following method worked for me,
BarcodeFormat format=BarcodeFormat.valueOf(BarCodeType);
Previously i used the wrong string so was getting the exception.