i have a problem with the del statement for dicts since i get multiple deletes. So for example my code looks like this:
info_dict = {'parent1':{'exon':{'exon1':{'str_0':1, 'end_0':1}, 'exon2':{'str_0':2, 'end_0':2}}},'parent2':{'exon':{'exon1':{'str_0':1, 'end_0':1}, 'exon3':{'str_0':3, 'end_0':3}}}}
print info_dict
#now i want to delete this key:
del info_dict.get('parent1').get('exon').get('exon1')['end_0']
#as an result i get this:
print info_dict
{'parent1':{'exon':{'exon1':{'str_0':1}, 'exon2':{'str_0':2, 'end_0':2}}},'parent2':{'exon':{'exon1':{'str_0':1}, 'exon3':{'str_0':3, 'end_0':3}}}}
As you can see the del statement deletes the right key from 'parent1'. But it also deletes the same key from dict 'parent2'.
In my code i loop through the dicts with:
for parent_key in info_dict:
"check something and del"
If i run the code like above the del statement deletes just one key. But when i loop it, it del multiple keys. I checked my code several times an it is all right. At this point i have no clue what is wrong... Sorry i do not show you the whole code, it seems to big. But maybe someone has an idea what the problem is. Thank you
Somewhere in your actual code you are creating references to dicts
so when you change in one place you change all the references.
d = {1:{2:3}}
d1 = d # creates a reference so d1 id d
del d[1]
{1: {2: 3}}
{1: {2: 3}}
{} # both empty as both are the same dict/object
Now making an actual copy with copy.deepcopy:
from copy import deepcopy
d = {1:{2:3}}
d1 = deepcopy(d) # creates a copy/new object
del d[1]
{1: {2: 3}}
{1: {2: 3}}
{} # only d is empty as we created a new object for d1
{1: {2: 3}}