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XE8 Twebbrowser local img files

I am using Twebbrowser in Delphi XE8.

I am downloading images from Amazon S3 and put in a folder called downloadfolder

mobfolder:=System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath + PathDelim ;
DownloadFolder:= mobfolder +'download'+  PathDelim;

How can I open a file in that location from Twebbrowser





  • The problem I had was related to Jquery for mobile, Jquery can not access local files.

    to handle it I need

    1. a webserver local in my app so I can use http or

    2. upload image to a server and then show it in my webbrowser app.

    I did the uploading , so now I upload the image to S3 and then show it in my webAPP , its now working.
