I use this code to validate some properties of a set of Qt objects in ChaiScript:
/// initialize the engine
boost::shared_ptr<chaiscript::ChaiScript> chai;
chai.reset(new chaiscript::ChaiScript());
std::cout << "ChaiScript engine created!!!" << std::endl;
/// register elements
chai->add(chaiscript::var(ui->checkBox), "checkBox");
/// adapt elements
/// QCheckBox
chai->add(chaiscript::fun(&QCheckBox::isTristate), "isTristate");
chai->add(chaiscript::fun(&QCheckBox::isChecked), "isChecked");
/// validate some properties
chai->eval("print(\"Starting evaluation...\")");
int answer_i = 0;
bool answer_b = false;
//answer_b = chai->eval<bool>("checkBox.isTristate()");
answer_b = chai->eval<bool>("checkBox.isChecked()");
std::cout << "ChaiScript::: " << answer_b << " :: " << answer_i << std::endl;
catch(std::exception e)
std::cout << "ChaiScript@Exception::: " << e.what() << std::endl;
The problem is that the "isTristate()" call works, because this is a native method of QCheckBox. On the other hand, the "isChecked()" call fails, I think because this is an inherited method from the QAbstractButton class.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem has been solved in the following way:
/// method binding
chai->add(chaiscript::fun<bool (QCheckBox *)>(&QCheckBox::isChecked), "isChecked");
It is necessary to specify that the bound method belongs to the QCheckBox class, in order not to bind the reference to the parent method.