I am writing a mail function in Python using csvwriter and StringIo, my motive is to send the mails with attachment only if the attachment is containing some data.
But, the function is also sending mails in case of empty file. Please help me where i am making mistake.
def cbazaar_quantity_sync(self,products_data_quantity_sync,threep_numbers):
channel = Channel.objects.get(name='CBazaar')
channel_configurations = channel.channelconfiguration_set.all()
listed_threep_numbers = self.filter_products_listed_on_channel(channel,threep_numbers)
products_to_sync = self.filter_products_data(products_data_quantity_sync,listed_threep_numbers)
# pdb.set_trace()
data = products_to_sync
current_time = datetime.now()
task_start_time = "%s-%s-%s_%s:%s:%s"%(current_time.day, current_time.month, current_time.year, current_time.hour, current_time.minute, current_time.second)
csvresult = StringIO.StringIO()
csvresultwriter = csv.writer(csvresult)
csvresultwriter.writerow(["Pri.Vendor Name","Product Code","Product Size","Design No","Stock Qty","Shipping Lead Time","Replicable (Yes / No)","Is stock Qty exclusively allocated to CBazaar ( Yes / No)"])
if len(products_to_sync) != 0:
for product in data:
# pdb.set_trace()
Store_Name = str('voylla retail pvt ltd')
sku = str(product[2])
size = str(product[3])
threep_number = str(product[1])
qty = int(product[7])
leadtime = int(product[8])
mod = str(product[11])
none = str('None')
if mod == none:
leadtime = 2
replicable = str('Yes')
product_obj = Product.objects.get(threep_number=threep_number)
channel_sku = self.threep_sku_mapping_method(channel,product_obj)
# pdb.set_trace()
if channel_sku != 0:
if qty == 0:
self.stdout.write('No products to sync with CBazaar.')
# #Build message for Production
# email = EmailMessage(subject='CBazaar Quantity Sync Details File', body='PFA CSV File attached with this mail.', from_email='help@voylla.com',
# to=['tamilmaran@cbazaar.com'], cc=['3pcatalogging@voylla.in'],
# headers = {'Reply-To': '3pcatalogging@voylla.in'})
# # Build message for Local
email = EmailMessage(subject='CBazaar Quantity Sync Details File', body='PFA CSV File attached with this mail.', from_email='help@voylla.com',
headers = {'Reply-To': '3pcatalogging@voylla.in'})
# Attach csv file
email.attach("cbazaar_quantity_sync_"+task_start_time+".csv", csvresult.getvalue(), 'text/csv')
# Send message with built-in send() method
##For sending Mail for "Zero Quantity Product" to Threep-Team
csvresult = StringIO.StringIO()
csvresultwriter = csv.writer(csvresult)
csvresultwriter.writerow(["Pri.Vendor Name","Product Code","Product Size","Design No","Stock Qty","Shipping Lead Time","Replicable (Yes / No)","Is stock Qty exclusively allocated to CBazaar ( Yes / No)"])
if len(products_to_sync) != 0:
for product in data:
# pdb.set_trace()
Store_Name = str('voylla retail pvt ltd')
sku = str(product[2])
size = str(product[3])
threep_number = str(product[1])
qty = int(product[7])
leadtime = int(product[8])
mod = str(product[11])
none = str('None')
if mod == none:
leadtime = 2
replicable = str('Yes')
product_obj = Product.objects.get(threep_number=threep_number)
channel_sku = self.threep_sku_mapping_method(channel,product_obj)
if qty == 0:
if channel_sku != 0:
self.stdout.write('No Zero Quantity products to sync with CBazaar.')
# Build message for Threep-Team
email = EmailMessage(subject='CBazaar_"Zero_Quantity_product"_File', body='PFA CSV File attached with this mail.', from_email='help@voylla.com',
# # Attach csv file
email.attach("cbazaar_zero_quantity_"+task_start_time+".csv", csvresult.getvalue(), 'text/csv')
# # Send message with built-in send() method
The output i am getting also contains empty file with headers which i am passing.
I solved the problem to making the condition false : the code snippet i change is just :
if len(products_to_sync) != 0:
for product in data:
# pdb.set_trace()
Store_Name = str('voylla retail pvt ltd')
sku = str(product[2])
size = str(product[3])
threep_number = str(product[1])
qty = int(product[7])
leadtime = int(product[8])
mod = str(product[11])
none = str('None')
if mod == none:
leadtime = 2
replicable = str('Yes')
product_obj = Product.objects.get(threep_number=threep_number)
channel_sku = self.threep_sku_mapping_method(channel,product_obj)
# pdb.set_trace()
if channel_sku != 0:
if qty == 0:
email = EmailMessage(subject='CBazaar Quantity Sync Details File', body='PFA CSV File attached with this mail.', from_email='help@voylla.com',
headers = {'Reply-To': '3pcatalogging@voylla.in'})
# Attach csv file
email.attach("cbazaar_quantity_sync_"+task_start_time+".csv", csvresult.getvalue(), 'text/csv')
# Send message with built-in send() method
self.stdout.write('No products to sync with CBazaar.')