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Javadoc comments - CompareTo?

My book asks me to write a Javadoc comment for a section of code. For the most part I understand how to do javadocs, but I do not understand what the program is doing.

"Write a Javadoc comment for the following method of a class Person. Assume that class Person has two String data fields lastName and firstName with the obvious meaning. Provide preconditions and postconditions if needed."

public int compareTo(Person per) {
    if (lastName.equals(per.lastName))
        return firstName.compareTo(per.firstName);
        return lastName.compareTo(per.lastName);

 * Method to return?
 * @param compare the firstName lexicographically
 * @param compare the lastName  lexicographically

I actually have no idea what this is doing. Is it returning a number? I looked at examples on


  • Are you sure it doesn't look like this?

    Public int compareTo(Person per) {
        if(firstName.compareTo(per.firstName) != 0){
            return firstName.compareTo(per.firstName);
            return lastName.compareTo(per.lastName);

    This code will order based off the lexicographically ordering of the first name, if they are the same it will then sort off the last name.

    Each compareTo method returns a -1, 0, or 1 depending on if the first string comes sooner in the ordering or not.