I'm trying to make a expect script and need AWK or sed in side the script.
I also have a file named TimeBased_CLI.ini like this. is rhost
2022 is port
My goal is put the file into the script as variables.
Here is my current wrong script
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set timeout 10
#INPUT Vars from TimeBased_CLI.ini file
set rhost "[exec grep rhost ./TimeBased_CLI.ini | awk "/[[:blank:]]*is[[:blank:]]*/ \{print \$1 \}"]"
send_user "$rhost\n"
It gives me
-sh-4.1$ ./test.exp
invalid command name ":blank:"
while executing
invoked from within
invoked from within
"exec grep rhost ./TimeBased_CLI.ini | awk "/[[:blank:]]*is[[:blank:]]*/ \{print \$1 \}""
invoked from within
"set rhost "[exec grep rhost ./TimeBased_CLI.ini | awk "/[[:blank:]]*is[[:blank:]]*/ \{print \$1 \}"]""
(file "./test.exp" line 5)
How can I fix it?
# [Solved]The final command I use is like:
set rhost "[exec awk {$NF ~ /rhost/ {print $1;}} TimeBased_CLI.ini]"
The shell format of this command is:
awk '$NF ~ /rhost/ {print $1;}' TimeBased_CLI.ini
Single quotes are not the quoting mechanism for Tcl, so brace your AWK expressions.
% set awkCmd {/[[:blank:]]*is[[:blank:]]*/ {print $1}}
/[[:blank:]]*is[[:blank:]]*/ {print $1}
% set rhost [exec grep rhost ./TimeBased_CLI.ini | awk $awkCmd]
Reference: Frequently Made Mistakes in Tcl