rake jasmine:ci
works on c9, but running rake jasmine
does not appear to work (nothing visible on the end point), even with configuration adjusted like so:
Jasmine.configure do |config|
config.server_port = ENV['PORT']
config.host = "http://#{ENV['IP']}"
( I also tried config.host = ENV['IP'])
c9 no longer complains we are on wrong port and IP with the configuration updated, however there is no app running at the c9 endpoint and the output from rake jasmine does appear correct:
tansaku@saasbook-ruby:~/workspace/myrottenpotatoes (master) $ rake jasmine
your server is running here: http://localhost:8080/
your tests are here: /home/ubuntu/workspace/myrottenpotatoes/spec/javascripts
your source files are here: /home/ubuntu/workspace/myrottenpotatoes
[2015-08-10 02:41:06] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2015-08-10 02:41:06] INFO ruby 2.2.1 (2015-02-26) [x86_64-linux]
[2015-08-10 02:41:06] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=7713 port=8080
(I get "No application seems to be running here!") Conversely a rails app in the same instance works fine ...
I'm wondering if there is something that jasmine does in terms of presenting the endpoint that prevents the c9 endpoint working; although I can't immediately see why it wouldn't since c9 is set up to serve both rails and ruby apps ...
ah, found the solution. We need to set rack options in jasmine.yml instead:
Host: ''
Now it works