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Why is zenity executed twice?

I have the following script (called ./script), which I want to run with $( ./script ) because the result should set some environment variable. Strangely the zenity dialog is displayed twice before the script terminates when I run it in $( ), while it is only displayed once if I run it as is.


export select=`zenity --list --column=select "option1" "option2"`
echo "export SELECTION_VAR=$select"

Can anybody explain, why it is executed twice and how I can avoid this?


  • Since script is trying to affect the parent environment, you need to eval its resulting output. This pattern is common, and you can find a similar case done by the keychain tool. If you invoke keychain, it spits out to stdout an eval-able statement like:

    SSH_AGENT_PID=1234; export SSH_AGENT_PID;

    So for your case, you’d invoke script with:

    % eval $(./script)  # choose option2
    % echo $SELECTION_VAR

    Also, you shouldn’t need the export on your select= line.