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Is it possible to parse JSON array into a tuple with json4s?

Take the following example:

import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._
import org.json4s._

implicit val formats = DefaultFormats

case class A(name: String)
case class B(age: Int)
val json = parse("""[ {"name": "mark"}, { "age": 27 }, 5 ]""")
json.extract[Tuple3[A, B, Int]]

This errors out:

org.json4s.package$MappingException: No usable value for _1 No usable value for name Did not find value which can be converted into java.lang.String


  • Json4s scalaz seems to have tuple support. I am not sure if there is any built in way to do this in json4s. I generally solved this issue something like this

    implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
    class MySerializer extends CustomSerializer[Tuple3[A,B,Int]](format => (
            case JArray(x :: y :: z :: Nil ) => {
                    ( x.extract[A], y.extract[B], z.extract[Int])}
            case x:Tuple3[A,B,Int] => null

    And then from your code do something like this

    implicit val formats = DefaultFormats + new MySerializer
    val json = parse("""[ {"name": "mark"}, { "age": 27 }, 5 ]""")