I am trying to map a simple model to an entity but get a list of unmapped items that I was not expecting, it fails at the validation line of AutomapperCfg:
SaveImportRunDetailsModel -> ImportRunDetailEntity (Destination member list) FCSD.Models.SaveImportRunDetailsModel -> LLBLGEN.EntityClasses.ImportRunDetailEntity (Destination member list)
Unmapped properties:
These look like system generated items, is there a way to dismiss them?
AutomapperCfg.cs is
using AutoMapper;
using FCSD.Models;
using LLBLGEN.EntityClasses;
namespace FCSD.Automapper
public class AutomapperCfg : IAutomapperCfg
public void Configure()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<CategoryEntity, Category>(MemberList.Destination);
cfg.CreateMap<EnglishPartInfoEntity, EnglishPartModel>(MemberList.Destination);
cfg.CreateMap<ImageEntity, Image>(MemberList.Destination);
cfg.CreateMap<ImportRunDetailEntity, ImportRunDetailModel>(MemberList.Destination);
cfg.CreateMap<ModelExportBaseEntity, Model>(MemberList.Destination).ReverseMap();
cfg.CreateMap<PartEntity, Part>(MemberList.Destination);
cfg.CreateMap<SaveImportRunDetailsModel, ImportRunDetailEntity>(MemberList.Destination);
The SaveImportRunDetailsModel is
using System;
namespace FCSD.Models
public class SaveImportRunDetailsModel
public string PHCreationDate { get; set; }
public DateTime RunTimestamp { get; set; }
lastly, the ImportRunDetailEntity is a bit long (over 400 lines) and is autogenerated c# from LLBLGen Pro.
What's Happening
AutoMapper will throw an exception if your destination type contains any properties it cannot match to a property on the source, if it has not been told explicitly how to fill that property.
How to fix it
If you do not wish AutoMapper to fill a property, you're expected to use this extension method on the CreateMap<TSource, TDest>()
's return, for each field to ignore:
.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, opt => opt.Ignore())
.ForMember(dest => dest.ConcurrencyPredicateFactoryToUse, opt => opt.Ignore())
.ForMember(dest => dest.AuthorizerToUse, opt => opt.Ignore());
and so on.
But that sucks...
Obviously this is a bit of a drag and takes the "auto" right out of AutoMapper, so you may want to consider something like this AutoMapper: "Ignore the rest"? - which will automatically ignore all destination members which are non-existing on the source object.
One more thing
You might want to write a unit test which configures a Mapper
instance with all your Mappings, then call Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid()
to discover any issues at Test Time rather than at Run Time, as by default, AutoMapper will not bother validating a mapping until the first time you attempt to use it.