I have three TI CC2650 SensorTags running ZigBee (not BLE) and they are connecting to a Beaglebone Black running the Zstack gateway. I am looking to publish the sensor data to Bluemix but cannot find a recipe.
I have seen examples of BLE sensors connecting through a BBB gateway and then to Bluemix like this one
but I cannot find anything for ZigBee based sensors.
I need some help getting this going as I'm not sure I can start this from the ground up.
Any guidance would be appreciated. Is it possible to use this BLE example and make some edits to the json code?
Thanks! John
Please take a look at this: https://git.ti.com/zigbee-iot-agent/zigbee-iot-agent
This is a node js application that connects to the ZStack Linux Gateway (running on BBB) and offers the following features:
Abstracts the ZigBee devices (Lights, Temp Sensors, Light Sensors, Switches) into JSON objects. This has been tested With Philips Hue Lights, TI ZLights (https://store.ti.com/cc2530zdk-zll-cc-debugger.aspx) and the ZigBee Sensor tag (running the ZigBee FW available to download from the BLE iOS app).
Serves up a web page allowing you to control the ZigBee network and devices.
Forwards devices data to the QuickStart service, which can be accessed without a Bluemix account.
The web interface can be used to provision devices so they can connect to a provisioned Bluemix service. This is required to control devices, but does need a Bluemix account.
Here is an example node red flow for controlling a Lights level based on the Luminescence reported from the Sensor Tag Light sensor:
[{"id":"12345678.abcde","type":"ibmiot","name":"a-4sogfzc9cogqrg7d"},{"id":"12345678.abcde","type":"ibmiotin","authentication":"apiKey","apiKey":"12345678.abcde","inputType":"evt","deviceId":"001289ec0b10","applicationId":"","deviceType":"","eventType":"","commandType":"","format":"","name":"IBM IoT AppIn","service":"registered","allDevices":false,"allApplications":"","allDeviceTypes":true,"allEvents":true,"allCommands":"","allFormats":true,"x":434,"y":260,"z":"6581e5ae.9a7e1c","wires":[["fbbb817e.04448"]]},{"id":"12345678.abcde","type":"ibmiotout","authentication":"apiKey","apiKey":"12345678.abcde","outputType":"cmd","deviceId":"0012dc63f111","deviceType":"zbdevice","eventCommandType":"blink","format":"json","data":"{\"a\":\"on\":1}","name":"Light0012dc63f111Out","service":"registered","x":1026,"y":260,"z":"6581e5ae.9a7e1c","wires":[]},{"id":"fbbb817e.04448","type":"function","name":"LuminToLevel","func":"var lightMsg ={\n\t\"payload\": {\n\t \"a\": {\n\t\t \"on\":1,\n\t\t \"level\":255,\n\t}\n\t}\n};\n\t\n//light sensor Lumin is 0-0xFFFF, may this to 0xFF-0 light level\nlightMsg.payload.a.level= 0xFF -msg.payload.d.lumin / 0x100;\n\n//bound check\nif(lightMsg.payload.a.level > 0xFF)lightMsg.payload.a.level = 0xFF;\n//if(lightMsg.payload.a.level < 0)lightMsg.payload.a.level = 0;\n\nreturnlightMsg;\n","outputs":1,"valid":true,"x":639,"y":260,"z":"6581e5ae.9a7e1c","wires":[["cebf6c53.31409"]]},{"id":"cebf6c53.31409","type":"json","name":"","x":807,"y":260,"z":"6581e5ae.9a7e1c","wires":[["a9314c4.f56ceb"]]}]
Regards, TC.