Reading the documentation at it gave some examples for using parameter bindings. But I have some questions using it:
Question 1:
Here is the original example
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title = :title',
[':title' => 'home']
But what if I want to replace more than one value for search in the SQL statement (for example adding year)? Is it correct to write:
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title = :title AND year > :year',
[':title' => 'home', ':year' => 2012]
Question 2:
This example uses question mark ? for replacement
R::getRow( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title LIKE ? LIMIT 1',
[ '%Jazz%' ]
If I want to add year, should it be written like this by adding a second question mark in the query?
R::getRow( 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE title LIKE ? AND year > ? LIMIT 1',
[ '%Jazz%', 2012 ]
Question 3:
So far the documentation only gave examples for getAll() and getRow() functions. Will it also work for R::exec()? For example:
R::exec( 'UPDATE page SET title="test" WHERE id = ? AND year > ?',
[ 101, 2012 ]
R::exec( 'UPDATE page SET title="test" WHERE id = :id AND year > :year',
[ ':id' => 101, ':year' => 2012 ]
Thank you!
All your answers are correct.
If you looked up into rb.php file you can find Facade class and its functions:
public static function exec( $sql, $bindings = array() )
public static function getAll( $sql, $bindings = array() )
Second parameter is array for bindings.