this is my screenshot of the layout
I used Relativelayout when designing the layout and imageButtons, TextViews, Scroll view in my layout which are sized with using dp and sp values. In the screenshot I showed where should the scroll view and textview should actually be placed, when I place them it works ok but the problem comes when trying on other screens.
I made about 9 diffrent layouts wheter it be qualifiers such as layout-swdp or layout-normal to work on multiple screen, but when I create new virtual device's with different screen sizes, resolution sometimes the layout is placed as I wanted and sometimes not. It seems like at the moment I need to create all the screen size,resolution and density combinations to achive what I want but this doesn't seem normal to me, I think it would take around 30 different layout for different combinations at total to place the scroll view and textview to where I want.
The backgroundimage I am using is set to the relative layouts background property. The thing I am asking is what can I do to solve my problem, is it normal to create around 30 different layouts for different screen combinations ? or am I approaching the problem in a wrong way ? or maybe the mistake was in the begining by placing the spots on the background image(using photoshop) where the textviews and scrollview will be placed ?
any advice would be appreciated
You can try this:
* @param view
* @param wantedTop wanted space in original image (in px)
* @param originBgSize if images in drawble-mdpi, drawable-hdpi,... have same ratio, you can use any size of them
private void calSize(View view, int wantedTop, Point originBgSize) {
double imageH = originBgSize.y;
// get your screen size in pixel
Display d = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
size.x = d.getWidth();
size.y = d.getHeight();
else {
double ratioH = size.y / imageH;
int convertedTop = (int) (wantedTop * ratioH);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = view.getLayoutParams();
if (params instanceof MarginLayoutParams) {
((MarginLayoutParams) params).topMargin = convertedTop;
Then in OnCreated
View tv = null;// your text view here;
// I assume that your image dimension is 720x1014, and the top position you want is 55px
Point oriSize = new Point(720, 1024);
calSize(tv, 55, oriSize);
Hope this works;