var sumAmount: NSDecimalNumber = 0.00
for yy in listItems {
var selectedItem: NSManagedObject = listItems[idy] as! NSManagedObject
var thisAmount = selectedItem.valueForKey("amount") as! NSDecimalNumber
var thisDate = selectedCD.valueForKeyPath("date") as! NSDate
if thisDate.isGreaterThanDate(NSDate()) {
if sumAmount == 0.00 {
sumAmount = thisAmount
} else {
idy += 1
I am trying to add thisAmount to sumAmount. Here is a sample of the code. I checked the initial sumAmount for a valid, non nil, setting, this seems correct. But the "add" is just not working. Both number are valid NSDecimalNumbers. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Numbers are immutable objects. You have to assign result to variable.