I'm writing a parser to scan columns of numbers. like this :
1 235 623 684
2 871 699 557
3 918 686 49
4 53 564 906
5 246 344 501
6 929 138 474
The first line contain the name of the lists and I would like my program to parse exactly the same number of data as in the title (to exclude arrays with incoherent number of titles or columns).
I wrote this program :
title = do
tit <- many1 alphaNum
return tit
digits = do
dig <- many1 digit
return dig
parseSeries = do
titles <- title `sepBy` spaces
let nb = length titles
dat <- endBy (count (nb-1) (digits `sepBy` spaces)) endOfLine
return (titles,concat dat)
main = do
fichier <- readFile ("test_list3.txt")
putStrLn $ fichier
case parse parseSeries "(stdin)" fichier of
Left error -> do putStrLn "!!! Error !!!"
print error
Right (tit,resu) -> do
mapM_ putStrLn tit
mapM_ putStrLn (concat resu)
but when I try to parse a file with this kind of data, I have the following error :
!!! Error !!!
"(stdin)" (line 26, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting space or letter or digit
I'm a newbie with parsing and I don't understand why it fail?
Do you have an idea of what is wrong with my parser ?
Your program is doing something different than what you expect. The key part is right here:
parseSeries = do
titles <- title `sepBy` spaces
let nb = length titles
-- The following is the incorrect part
dat <- endBy (count (nb-1) (digits `sepBy` spaces)) endOfLine
return (titles,concat dat)
I believe what you actually wanted was:
parseSeries = do
titles <- title `sepBy` spaces
let nb = length titles
let parseRow = do
column <- digits
columns <- count (nb - 1) (spaces *> digits)
return (column:columns)
dat <- many parseRow
return (titles, dat)