Hello I just cloned meanjs project and somehow there is no app folder under that project. Why they changed the structure? Am I doing something wrong? Sorry just try to learn Node and one of those tutorials I follow up is using that project
it looks like the new version 0.4.0 has been already merged to the master branch and it has a new folder structure, if you want to work with the version 0.3.x that has the folder structure you mentioned you can clone the latest tagged 0.3.3 release:
git clone --branch v0.3.3 https://github.com/meanjs/mean.git
This will checkout to a 'detached HEAD' branch that has the 0.3.3(current latest 0.3.x) version and the folder structure you're looking for.
After cloning this version you can use the yeoman generator to create your template project from there.