I have made an application where I apply HSV filters to an image and then try to track a specific color. I want to use UMat because I need the computation of the image to be in the GPU and not in the CPU instead.
In the code below first I take an Image<Bgra, Byte>
and then convert to UMat
format with HSV color format. However, when I split the channels I get 3 channels for each channel (ex. the the hsvChannels[0] has three channels; I don't know why this is happening). Finally I can't apply the filters because when I use the inRangeImage
method I get an image with one channel and error form CvInvoke.Copy
"Unknown array format".
The application is not the best, but I want first to understand how UMat image format works and then try to improve it.
private UMat CvAndHsvImage(Image<Bgra, Byte> imgFrame, byte lowerHue, byte upperHue, byte lowerSat, byte upperSat, byte lowerBright, byte upperBright,
byte erosion = 0, byte dilate = 0, bool hue = false, bool sat = false, bool bright = false, bool invert = false)
// First convert the input image to hsv so we can change the channels
//Image<Hsv, Byte> hsvImage = imgFrame.Convert<Hsv, Byte>();
UMat hsvImage = new UMat();
UMat bgrImage = new UMat();
CvInvoke.CvtColor(imgFrame, bgrImage, ColorConversion.Bgra2Bgr);
CvInvoke.CvtColor(bgrImage, hsvImage, ColorConversion.Bgr2Hsv);
// Final image that will be returned.
UMat ResultImage = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageH = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageS = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageV = new UMat();
UMat[] hsvChannels = new UMat[3];
hsvChannels = hsvImage.Split();
UMat img1 = inRangeImage(hsvChannels[0], lowerHue, upperHue);
UMat img2 = inRangeImage(hsvChannels[1], lowerSat, upperSat);
UMat img3 = inRangeImage(hsvChannels[2], lowerBright, upperBright);
#region checkBox Color Mode
// Evaluation of the check box for each filter. Return the right image
if (hue)
CvInvoke.cvCopy(img1, ResultImageH, IntPtr.Zero);
if (sat)
//ResultImageS = img2;
CvInvoke.cvCopy(img2, ResultImageS, IntPtr.Zero);
if (bright)
//ResultImageV = img3;
CvInvoke.cvCopy(img3, ResultImageS, IntPtr.Zero);
if (hue && !sat && !bright)
ResultImage = ResultImageH;
if (!hue && sat && !bright)
ResultImage = ResultImageS;
if (!hue && !sat && bright)
ResultImage = ResultImageV;
if (hue && sat && !bright)
CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(ResultImageH, ResultImageS, ResultImageH);
ResultImage = ResultImageH;
if (hue && !sat && bright)
CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(ResultImageH, ResultImageV, ResultImageH);
ResultImage = ResultImageH;
if (!hue && sat && bright)
CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(ResultImageS, ResultImageV, ResultImageS);
ResultImage = ResultImageS;
if (hue && sat && bright)
CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(ResultImageH, ResultImageS, ResultImageH);
CvInvoke.BitwiseAnd(ResultImageH, ResultImageV, ResultImageH);
ResultImage = ResultImageH;
UMat grayImage = new UMat();
CvInvoke.CvtColor(ResultImage, bgrImage, ColorConversion.Hsv2Bgr);
CvInvoke.CvtColor(bgrImage, grayImage, ColorConversion.Bgr2Gray);
return grayImage;
/// <summary>
/// Method to define the upper and lower values of the channels of HSV image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hsvImage">Image in HSV and Byte format</param>
/// <param name="lower">Lower value to be applied</param>
/// <param name="upper">Upper value to be applied</param>
/// <returns>Grayscale image with the applied range</returns>
private UMat inRangeImage(UMat hsvImage, int lower, int upper)
UMat resultImage = new UMat();
UMat lowerBorder = new UMat(hsvImage.Rows, hsvImage.Cols, DepthType.Cv8U, 3);
UMat upperBorder = new UMat(hsvImage.Rows, hsvImage.Cols, DepthType.Cv8U, 3);
lowerBorder.SetTo(new Gray(lower).MCvScalar);
upperBorder.SetTo(new Gray(upper).MCvScalar);
CvInvoke.InRange(hsvImage, lowerBorder, upperBorder, resultImage);
// Dispose the image due to causing memory leaking.
return resultImage;
It looks like a bug to me in Emgu.CV, as I see the same behavior.
Try using CvInvoke.Split() instead like so:
private UMat CvAndHsvImage(Image<Bgra, Byte> imgFrame, byte lowerHue, byte upperHue, byte lowerSat, byte upperSat, byte lowerBright, byte upperBright,
byte erosion = 0, byte dilate = 0, bool hue = false, bool sat = false, bool bright = false, bool invert = false)
// <snip>
// Final image that will be returned.
UMat ResultImage = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageH = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageS = new UMat();
UMat ResultImageV = new UMat();
// << Replaced this >>
// UMat[] hsvChannels = new UMat[3];
// hsvChannels = hsvImage.Split();
// << with this >>
VectorOfUMat hsvChannels = new VectorOfUMat();
CvInvoke.Split(hsvImage, hsvChannels);
// </snip>
This method seems to give CV_8UC1 UMats as expected.