I'm stuck in recovery mode cause I forgot to flash GAPPS on my LG G2 (D802) when I update from CM12 to CM12.1 ROM. My phone is now bootlooping.
As I can't use any external storage I'm trying to send GAPPS package to my phone with fastboot from my windows 7 PC.
But when I do adb devices
I see my phone as unauthorized and I can't push files to it.
I have CWM with PhilZ Touch 6.48.4 and touch GUI revision 1.30 and my ADB version is 1.0.32.
So, I wanted to know how to enable ADB on my device from the recovery mode or how to grant access to my device from the computer ? Or simply if there was another way to achieve this.
Thanks a lot.
I solved the problem in a other way with adb sideload
To install flashable zip on your phone in recovery mode with CWM and ADB, follow these steps from the root of the main menu :
1 - Choose install zip
2 - Install zip from sideload
3 - Plug the phone to the computer
4 - Type `adb devices` in the windows command shell from the fastboot directory
5 - Phone should now be listed as "sideload"
6 - In the Windows command shell type `adb sideload <filename>`
7 - Wait while the file is send to your phone
8 - Once the transfer is complete the file is flashed automatically
9 - Once the flash is successful unplug your phone and restart it in normal mode
10 - You can **wipe cache and dalvik cache** to avoid errors
My phone is now able to run properly.
P.S: I don't get why this question get down votes at it was clear and concise + the answer was not that hard finally.