I'm wondering, and hoping, if I can access and use a specific instance of an object if I only have the name of the object instance in a string? The code below perhaps explains it a littler better.
public function myFunction(){
var myArbItem:mcArbItem = new mcArbItem();
//mcSomeItem has another movieclip on it called 'itemLogo'
//elsewhere there is an object called ArbItem
ArbItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showItem)
private function showItem(e:MouseEvent){
var objectName:String = 'my' + e.target.name;
//now I have the name of the object, that is myArbItem, can I with this
//information e.g. set "myArbItem.itemLogo.visible = false;"
//or "addChild(myArbItem);"?
Use the getChildByName