I need to import multiple images and present an output like a collage. I was thinking is doing a treemap with the image size mapped to the score of the character.
df <- data.frame(character=c("Homer","Marge", "Bart", "Lisa","Maggie", "Moe", "Blinky","Bumblebee Man","Duffman","Maude Flanders","Ned Flanders","Rod Flanders","Todd",Jimbo","Otto Mann","Snowball"),score=c(268,267,495, 432, 219, 373, 152, 356, 461, 116,107,165, 305,228, 461, 608))
I had used treemap before and also ggplot geom_tile but i am not sure if it is possible to generate pictures whithin tiles. I don't even know how to insert the images into my dataframe for plotting...
Not really an answer, but a quick demonstration how you start to accomplish your task.
df <- data.frame(
character=c("Homer","Marge", "Bart", "Lisa","Maggie", "Moe", "Blinky","Bumblebee Man","Duffman","Maude Flanders","Ned Flanders","Rod Flanders","Todd","Jimbo","Otto Mann","Snowball")
,score=c(268,267,495, 432, 219, 373, 152, 356, 461, 116,107,165, 305,228, 461, 608)
tm <- treemap( df, index = "character", vSize = "score" )
svg <- grid.export()$svg
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10688516/fill-svg-path-with-a-background-image-without-knowing-heightwidth?rq=1
pattern <- newXMLNode(
,.children = list(
, attrs = c(
id = "img_homer"
,patternTransform="translate(0, 0) scale(1, -1) rotate(0)"
, .children = newXMLNode(
, attrs = c(
"xlink:href" = "http://i.imgur.com/JP4s21O.jpg"
,width = 106
,height = 80
addChildren( svg, pattern )
homer <- getNodeSet(
getNodeSet( svg, "//*[contains(@id,'data.2')]")[[1]]
homer_attrs <- xmlAttrs(homer)
homer_attrs[["fill"]] <- "url(#img_homer)"
xmlAttrs(homer) <- homer_attrs