I'm running Magento (patched SUPEE-5344, SUPEE-1533, SUPEE-5994, SUPEE-6285) on a LAMP stack enviroment. I've installed the Phoenix COD extension (v. 1.0.8). In my development enviroment cache is disabled.
I've implemented a module for automatically create invoices according to the kind of payment method (COD, PayPal, Credit Card, etc). When a COD order is generated the order totals are correct, but in invoice's totals the COD fee doesn't appear.
this is the /etc/modules/ file of my module:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Mage_Sales />
<Phoenix_CashOnDelivery />
I've created an observer function on the sales_order_save_after
public function salesSaveAfter( $event ) {
$order = $event->getOrder();
$payment_method_code = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();
$is_Paypal = ( strpos( $payment_method_code, 'paypal' ) !== false ) ? true : false;
$is_Xpay = ( strpos( $payment_method_code, 'xpay' ) !== false ) ? true : false;
$is_Cod = ( strpos( $payment_method_code, 'cashondelivery' ) !== false ) ? true : false;
if ( $order->canInvoice() && ( $is_Paypal || $is_Xpay || $is_Cod ) ) {
$invoice = Mage::getModel( 'sales/service_order', $order )->prepareInvoice();
if ( ! $invoice->getTotalQty() ) {
Mage::throwException( $this->__( 'Cannot create an invoice without products.' ) );
$transactionSave = Mage::getModel( 'core/resource_transaction' )
->addObject( $invoice )
->addObject( $invoice->getOrder() );
} else {
Has you can see my module depends on Phoenix_CacheOnDelivery so this function should be triggered after any observer's function.
If I manually generate the invoice everything work fine.
If I programmatically launch a script to generate the second invoice (for one order with the first invoice without the COD fee), the invoice is generated only with the COD fee: so everything fine.
I've found the solution myself!
The problem: Phoenix_CashOnDelivery add the COD fees by attaching to the event sales_order_payment_place_end
that came after the sales_order_save_after
so in the order they was set to 0 at the invoice generation time.
The solution: Simply change the event to listen in sales_order_place_after
Plus, the sales_order_save_after
is called many more times needed, so the code it's optimized! Yay!
I hope this could be useful for someone out there.